Canadian Nathan Kutcher climbed his way into third place at the Bozeman Ice Festival speed competition. For the open competition results see here.
Mens Speed Results
1st: Adam Knoff
2nd: Sam Elias
3rd: Nathan Kutcher
4th: Jason Nelson
Womens Speed Results
1st: Kendra Stritch
2nd: Stephanie Maureau
3rd: Katie Bono
4th: Nae Yagi
Pavel Dobrinskiy, UIAA route-setter for the Open Final, was sharpening competitors’ picks and crampons with a Dremel ahead of the Speed Comp. Photo Rafal AndronowskiThe competitors examine the speed comp routes. Photo Rafal AndronowskiBy chance, the top three women posed for this picture hours before the final. From L to R: Stephanie Maureau, Katie Bono, Kendra Strich. Photo Rafal AndonowskiFestival Director Joe Josephson. Photo Rafal AndronowskiUIAA official judge David Dornian. Photo Rafal AndronowskiPavel Dobrinskiy jumps to ring the bell, signalling his finish of the route Photo Rafal AndronowskiKendra Strich took first place in the Women’s Speed Comp Final Photo Rafal AndronowskiAdam Knoff, on the right, competing against Will Mayo, took first place in the Men’s Speed Comp Final. Photo Rafal AndronowskiWomen’s Top Four: Nae Yagi (4th), Katie Bono (3rd), Kendra Stritch (1st) and Stephanie Maureau (2nd) Photo Rafal AndronowskiMen’s Top Four: Nathan Kutcher (3rd), Jason Nelson (4th), Adam Knoff (1st) and Sam Elias (2nd). Photo Rafal Andronowski