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Jakob Schubert will be lead world cup overall champ

Jakob Schubert was the world champion from last year and despite one event remaining, will be the world cup lead overall champion again.

As 8a.nu reported, Schubert said, “This season was very special and a new experience for myself, obviously due to my injury. I started training a lot later than I normally would and a week before the first WC in China in June I wasn’t even sure if I would actually go.”

More results from the IFSC

“In the end I’m very happy and proud how well everything worked out, I trained hard and managed to be very consistent once again. Especially the victory in China was very important for my confidence and also in the sense of being very lucky, since I wasn’t in very good shape yet at all, but still ended up winning due to mistakes by others.”

Stage one results

Stage two results 

Stage three results

Jakob Shubert  Photo IFSC
Jakob Shubert Photo IFSC

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