Rock the Blocs in Kelowna Going on Seventh Year

The seventh Rock the Blocs bouldering festival will be taking place in Kelowna’s Boulderfields this June. Festival organizer, Andy White, said, “Since the beginning, this fest has been about local developers engaging the bouldering community, spreading a bit of that Okanagan community love and sharing what is one of the largest and best bouldering areas in this part of North America.
“With such great support over the years, Rock the Blocs has become the largest outdoor bouldering competitions in Canada and local developers and organizers look forward to this event every year. We love this event and what it’s all about.” More here.
When: Sat. June 22 and Sun. June 23
Where: The Boulderfields in Kelowna
What: A festival including a bouldering competition, area development projects and clinics aimed at getting the climbing community together for a whole lot of fun.
Cost: Free, but this is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the Okanagan Bouldering Society, so donations and supporting the many, incredible raffle prizes are much appreciated
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