The 2015 SAS Golden Scrub Brush Awards Nominations

The time has come again for nominations for this year’s Squamish Access Society (SAS) Golden Scrub Brush awards.

This year’s awards will cover routes established between 2010 and 2015. Look back over the past five years and flip through your guidebooks, the Canadian Alpine Journal, the free route topos section of Quickdraw Publications, the Squamish climbing forum and the Squamish climbing source for reminders as to what routes were established in that time period.
Award Categories
1) Best new trad or mixed crag route (single pitch) Hard 5.11 + and Moderate 5.10-
2) Best new sport route: Hard 5.11 + and Moderate 5.10-
3) Best contributing boulderer
4) Best new multi-pitch: Moderate 5.10 and under, and Hard 5.11+
5) Best new crag or area
6) Best re-scrub and retrofit
7) Best new route name and back story
SAS’s Board of Directors has also currently selected three individuals for Induction into the Fellowship of the Golden Scrub Brush (Lifetime Achievement).
Nomination Rules
1) Please choose routes developed since 2010. Previous award winners are exempt from nomination, but previous nominees are still eligible for this year’s awards.
2) Self nomination in all categories except category seven (best route name and story) will result in immediate disqualification. Self nomination in category seven should be accompanied with a back story on the origin of the route name.
3) Nominations shall be accompanied by a brief rationale (max one paragraph) as to merits for nomination.
4) Any slandering of other nominations will result in immediate disqualification of your nomination with zero exceptions.
Please submit your nominations to the SAS Facebook page or to the 2015 Golden Scrub Brush thread.
Nominations will be vetted by an esteemed panel of judges and selected nominations will be subject to public vote on our Facebook page.
Selected Best route name and back story candidates will be presented at the award function in November.

Last Year’s Winners
Single Pitch Moderate Trad Staples are Forever – Harry Young
Single Pitch Moderate Sport The burglar – Colin Moorhead
Moderate Multipitch – Sunset Strip – Colin Moorhead, Emilisa Frerdich
Rescrub or Retrofit – Bulletheads East – Harry Young
Most Contributing Boulderer – Jack Fieldhouse
Hard Trad Single Pitch – The Bull- Jeremy Smith
Hard Multipitch – The Barbarian – Luke Neufeld
Hard Sport – A Prince Among Thieves – Peter Winter
Route Name – The Land of MILF and Honeys – Chris Small