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Tour de Bloc 15: Bloc Buster is First Stop of 2018

Tour de Bloc will be starting early in 2018 with a stop in Ontario for Bloc Buster.

The popular competition will be taking place at Climber’s Rock in Burlington on Jan. 13. Recreational competitors will compete for prizes from sponsors.

Open competitors will compete in the morning to earn a place in the final round where the top six men and women will fight for their share of a $5,000 prize purse in front of a huge crowd.

Whether you climb or not make sure you show up at 7 p.m. to see the big show. Previous podiums below in Male/Female order. Register here.

Tour de Bloc Season 14 (2017)
1. Zach Richardson / Bronwen Karnis
2. Dylan Saffery / Madison Fischer
3. Niklas Dormanns / Lia Wieckowski

Tour de Bloc Season 13 (2016)
1. Zach Richardson / Pia Graham
2. Andre DiFelice / Beth Vince
3. Jon Brock / Emily Ziffer

Tour de Bloc Season 12 (2015)
1. Jon Brock / Kerry Briggs
2. Travis Van Ryn / Beth Vince
3. Dylan Barks / Esti Tweg

Tour de Bloc Season 11 (2014)
1. Sean McColl / Holly Reid
2. Eric Sethna / Clarrie Lam
3. Dylan Barks / Sasha Vince

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