Tour de Bloc Turns Sweet 16 With 14 Comps Announced

The Tour de Bloc was established in 2003 with the aim of promoting competitive climbing in Canada through a structured bouldering circuit.
The Tour started out as a regional based series with competitions in Ontario and Quebec and has now grown into a full national circuit, with stops from Atlantic to Western Canada.
With the support of the climbing community, gym owners and sponsors the Tour de Bloc continues to be Canada’s premiere bouldering tour.
The tour champs in season one were Lisa Dumper and Jody Miall, in season two it was Vicki Weldon and Seth Mason and in season three it was Noella Nykyforuk and Sean McColl.
Some of Canada’s top climbers have competed at one or many of the tour stops over the past 16 years. It’s strongly advised that you register to compete in at least one and if you don’t then go watch finals because they’re always a great show.
For the 2018/19 season, there will be 14 events in Canada: five in Ontario, three in Quebec, two in Nova Scotia, two in B.C. and two in Alberta.