Tour de Frank Bouldering Festival 2017 (Cancelled)

Tour de Frank will start on Sept. 16 in Crowsnest Pass. The Alberta outdoor bouldering festival/competition has been taking place for a few years with dozens of climbers.
The 2017 festival was cancelled due to fire hazard in the area.
You can find all the information about the event (including where it is located) in the Information Package here. If you are 17 or younger, your guardian/parent will have to fill out a waiver, found here.
From the event blog, which you can find here: The Tour de Frank takes the form of a competitive event, but the focus is on fun, exploring the Slide and climbing with your friends.
In the morning, participants will being to arrive from across Alberta and B.C. The ‘front desk’ table will be set up in the boulders by about 9:30, with free coffee and pastries. There should be flagging to guide you from the highway parking lot to the ‘front desk.’
“We’ll start the orientation at 10:45. At 11:00 the horn will go off and you will have six hours to climb all you want. We’ll have mini-guidebooks to help you find the problems on the list and there will be several volunteers to help participants find problems they want to try.
“If you don’t have a bouldering pad, don’t worry we will have some to loan out. You should definitely have climbing shoes. If you don’t want to climb competitively, that’s OK with us. You’ll still need to sign in, but if you’re new to climbing outdoors you might want to participate in our Introduction to Outdoor Bouldering seminar. If you just want to climb with your friends for the day, that’s fine too!.”