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Watch Meagan Martin and Brooke Raboutou’s Moon Comp

Top American boulderer Paul Robinson has organized a small competition between two climbers. In this episode, they climbers are Meagan Martin and Brooke Raboutou. He called the comp Moon Pig, it takes place on a Moon Board.

“The concept of Moon Pig is identical to that of a game of pig or horse in basketball,” said Robinson.

“Each game will be played on the Moon Board thus giving no unfair advantage and allows for games to be played around the world.”

Rules of Moon Pig: If your opponent makes a climbs a boulder problem (makes a shot), you have to also climb that same problem.

If you fall, you get a letter. If you send, your opponent now gets to go again and choose a different boulder problem. If your opponent falls, now it is your turn to pick a boulder problem.

Once one person spells the word PIG, they lose that round and the other person wins.

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