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Chaehyeon Seo, 15, Wins Fourth Straight World Cup

And took the overall title for lead in 2019

Chaehyeon Seo, 15, won her fourth straight lead world cup with a gold in Xiamen. She secured the overall lead title for the year. The young climber topped all four world cup climbs in Xiamen, making them look far easier than they were. Athletes and coaches were unhappy with the route setting, as it was far too easy on most routes.

Outdoors, Seo has climbed over 40 5.13s and a number of 5.14s at Red River Gorge and Rifle. Seo is an all-round climber indoors and out along with her father, who also climbs 5.14 and competes at the ice climbing world cup.

Janja Garnbret finished fourth overall. In second was Akiyo Nchi and third was Jain Kim. To qualify for the Olympics, Seo will need to do well at the Asian Combined Championships. Full results from Xiamen here.

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