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The 2018 Beaver Valley Festival Biggest Yet

Festival goers at the Beaver Valley Festival

The sixth annual Beaver Valley Climbing Festival took place this week with the most registered climbers yet.

At The Swamp, Metcalfe, Old Baldy and Devil’s Glen, climbers roped up, took clinics and climbed countless pitches.

In the evening, everyone gathered for live music, dozens of raffle prizes, dancing and contests.

The event was organized by the Ontario Access Coalition (OAC), for more visit here.

The event was supported by many sponsors each providing significant prizes.  Special thanks this year goes to MEC for providing much-appreciated funding in support of the OAC.

As always, all festival proceeds help support the OAC’s efforts in securing and maintaining access to Ontario crags, to help you send your projects.

Leslie Timms teaching rope coiling at Metcalfe Photo Brandon Pullan

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