A 13-Year-Old Climbs a New 5.14c
Italian lead and boulder champion Andrea Locatelli opened the hard new route at a private crag in Italy

One day before Christmas, 13-year-old Andrea Locatelli made the first ascent of the sport climb Il bombarolo in Italy and proposed the grade of 5.14c (8c+). Few climbers at this age have ever opened routes at this grade.
Andrea’s father, Davide, encouraged him to climb at a young age and by nine he was climbing 5.13b. He then became the Italian champion for his age group in lead and boulder. Over the past few months, he’s climbed several 5.14s and climbed V12 in 2023.
Il Bombarolo was bolted by Maurizio Tasca at a crag found on private property, but one where climbers might soon be able to visit without restrictions thanks to continue access work by locals. The route follows an overhanging wall up pockets, tufas and small crimps.
Davide uploaded a video of Andrea climbing in Frankenjura a few seasons ago, watch below.