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Andrew Funk Sends His First 5.14

Canadian Andrew Funk has clipped the chains of his first 5.14a and he is psyched.

Funk has been touring Europe for the past few months and we touched base with him in October, visit here for that conversation.

On Dec. 21, he sent Mal De Isla 5.14a at Chulilla near Valencia in Spain. “It was 40 metres, lots of yelling and I really don’t know how I didn’t blow it,” Funk told Gripped. “Ultra pumped, most of my fingers were bleeding and I almost pumped off the finish hold. Not the most beautiful send, but I did it nonetheless.”

In the spirit of the holidays, Funk wrote the following on his social media, “On the eighth day of climbing, Mal De Isla gave to me: eight bad rest holds, seven massive whippers, six changed sequences, five mental breakdooooooowns, four foot pops, three bleeding tips, two pumped forearms and the first 5.14a I’ve ever sent. So so so stoked!! Eff yeah!! What a way to end the trip!”

Andrew Funk after his first 5.14 send.  Photo Sara Frangos
Andrew Funk after his first 5.14 send. Photo Sara Frangos

– Be sure to follow Funk on Instagram Andrew Funk after his first 5.14 send.  Photo Sara Frangos and Sara Frangos here.

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