Angie Scarth-Johnson Climbs 5.14d in France
This is the Australian climber's second 5.14d of 2022

One of Australia’s top rock climbers, Angie Scarth-Johnson, 18, has redpointed Pornographie 5.14d at Céüse in France. The cruxes include a boulder problem start and big reaches throughout. It was established in 2020 by Alex Megos.
This is the second climb of the grade for Scarth-Johnson, who climbed VÃctimas Pérez 5.14d at Margalef in Spain in June. She had set the two test-piece climbs as her 2022 goals. She first attempted Pornographie in 2021 before climbing her first 5.14d with Victimas del futur in Spain.
In 2014, Scarth-Johnson climbed her first 5.14b with Welcome to Tijuana at age nine, becoming the youngest climber ever to tick the grade. At 12 years old, she sent Lucifer 5.14c at Red River Gorge.
Hard Sends by Scarth-Johnson
Victimas del Futur 5.14d
VÃctimas Pérez 5.14d
Pornographie 5.14d
Lucifer 5.14c
Zipayorik ez 5.14b/c
Espiadimonis 5.14b
Welcome to Tijuana 5.14b
God’s Own Stone 5.14a
Tijuanita 5.14a
A la puta rue 5.14a
Speed baby 5.14a
Ultra Perm 5.13d
La Bombi 5.13d
Zona 30 5.13d
Swingline 5.13d
Panoptikum V11
Iceberg V10
Umbra V10