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Arco Rock Master: Bouldering Results

The Arco Rock Master hosted the Rock Master Boulder K.O. competition, a fast-paced contest which weeds out the weakest climber fast.

Rock Master Festival describes the competition as such: “Boulder KO System. Put in other words, bouldering Rock Master style. An extremely fast formula, cruel even if you want. Easy to understand. There are four problems, and the athletes have tried them this morning for about one hour and a half. Each boulder is a hurdle in its own right, in a sense that the worst climber is eliminated. A mere three attempts are allowed to solve the rebus. In short: adrenaline buzzes, the stakes are high and, above all, mistakes cost dearly… because there’s no second chance. This isn’t a game of the fainthearted.”

America’s Alex Puccio won for the women and Slovenia’s Jernej Kruder won for the men. Jeremy Bonder from France and Akiyo Noguchi from Japan placed second, while Makoto Yamauchi from Japan and Julija Kruder from Slovenia placed third.

Women’s full results here.

Men’s full results here.

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