Cedric Lachat Repeats a Pirmin Bertle 5.15a in Switzerland
Cedric Lachat has made the second ascent of Pirmin Bertle’s in Jansegg, Switzerland, called La Cène du Roi Lézard 5.15a.
The 34-year-old once-European bouldering champ agrees with the grade 5.15a after Bertle downgraded his original grade of 5.15b to 5.15a last year.
Bertle made the first ascent last November on the high alpine wall, which he has been establishing over the past few years.
In high-level competition, from 2002 to 2011, Lachat stood on the podium at almost every event he entered, often taking first place in the bouldering World Championships and World Cup stages.
He is a true competitor, not against other climbers but against himself, in order to meet the challenges he is given, whatever the conditions. Only one thing counts for him: succeeding and not giving in. If I learned one thing during all these years, it’s that I have to climb with heart and the drive to keep going all the way to the top.
“That’s my way of thinking. Making decisions at the last minute and going climbing on the other side of the planet is part of what makes me happy and of how I live my life,” he said.
“Climbing is my profession and my real passion. I like complexity and I like pushing my own limits. It’s probably due to my experience competing. Long multi-pitch routes naturally appeal to me, since they require a great deal of experience and concentration. I like to be at one with myself, to give everything I’ve got to reach an objective.”