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Chewbacca’s, New Route at Shannon Falls

West Coast scrubbing continues into the summer and crack climbs are revealed

Chewbacca Topo (Editors note: Great name and awesome topo)
Chewbacca’s Topo (Editors note: Great name and awesome topo)

The new-routing in Squamish continues with a line at Shannon Falls named Chewbacca’s. In 1973, Jon Wurflinger and J. Allain climbed a route on Gobsmacking Wall, and named it Snot. This spring it was cleaned and new ground was climbed by Sean Pickersgill and Joel Beckmann.
“This route is on Gobsmacking wall at Shannon Falls and I think its real swell. I spent over 200 hours digging and cleaning, over the last year or so. The idea to clean up “Snot” came from Bryan Kent; he did all the sketchy logging on the route and spent a few solid days cleaning. Jessica Taylor created retaining walls and stairs at the base area and Joel Beckmann and Taran Ortlieb did a little brushing and ushbaing with me too,” said Pickersgill.
Chewbacca’s is a three-pitch 5.10b.

Looking down Chewbacca's
Looking down Chewbacca’s  Photo: Squamishclimbing.com

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