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Eight Climbers Die in Alps on Weekend

Nine climbers died in three different accidents over the weekend in the Italian and Austrian Alps.

Five climbers who were roped together died on Sunday on Mount Gabler and a sixth was badly injured. The mountain has a popular glacier climb.

The German climbers were at about 2,000 metres when one member slipped. The roped party fell about 300 metres down the glacier and scree field.

The ages of the climbers who died as 34, 56, 65, 69 and 70, and the survivor is 75.

In the Italian Alps, nine climbers were roped together on a glacier in Adamello Brenta Park in northern Italy when they fell. Three of the climbers fell into a crevasee and died.

In the Valtellina Alpine area near Switzerland, an Italian climber was hit from rockfall and died from his injuries.

Mount Gabler

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