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Evan Hau Sends Another New 5.14 in Rockies

Evan Hau is a Calgary-based climber who is among the top sport climbers in the country. He is spending his summer finding and sending some of the Bow Valley’s last hard projects. 

While on his journey to find Canada’s first 5.15a, Hau’s been busy putting down projects left, right and centre.

His most recent project was on the Saddle Up wall at the Coliseum in Echo Canyon. After breaking the crux hold, Hau had to sort out a new sequence.

Interview with Evan Hau

“This is the project left of Stone Fox,” said Hau. “I broke a crux hold early on and almost gave up, glad I stuck with it.”

His new route is called Dime Piece and is an 18-bolt 5.14b.

In April, Hau finished an extension to All You Can Eat that resulted in a 45-metre 5.13d that reaches to the top of the Lookout wall.

Hau has sent a number of other difficult routes lately including Mouthful of Freddie 5.13b at Carrot Creek and also on the Saddle Up wall: Dungeon Dweller 5.12c, The Fullphycus 5.13a and Identity Crises 5.12a.

Hau recently opened his own wall on Grotto Mountain. With one warm-up bolted and a hard 5.14 project ready to go, the steep roofs look promising and could potentially hold one of Canada’s hardest routes.

Pulling the big roof on All You Can Eat Seconds 5.13d at The Lookout. Photo Ben Fenton.
Pulling the big roof on All You Can Eat Seconds 5.13d at The Lookout. Photo Ben Fenton

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