Gripped Contributor, Bernd Zangerl, Releases Video of Hard Problem

In June, 2013, Bernd Zangerl climbed Shantaram, V16, contender for hardest boulder problem in the world.
In Gripped’s spring issue, be sure to check out Zangerl’s journey into a northern village in India. Accompanied by other strong boulderers, Zangerl discovers hundreds of untouched boulders and a culture he falls in love with.
Watch Zangerl as he climbs Shantaram, “”Many rocks have inspired me during my 14 year long boulder trip, but that massive block on a remote, Â idyllic island literally dwarfed everything previous,” said Zangerl. Shantaram stems from Inidan mythology and means peace. See here for more of Zanerl’s sends.
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