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Josh Muller Sends Hard New B.C. Boulders

With rain and snow in the Rockies, Josh Muller traveled to Revelstoke in search of drier rock.

He found it at Englishman, which is a collection of boulders about 20 kilometres west of the town centre. There are nice highballs and less than 30 problems, but room for more.

Muller added Egyptian Rock Mover V11, which is now one of the hardest problems in the Revelstoke area. He then added a lower start. “Really cool problem,” wrote Muller on Sendage.

“Might be V10, I am out of practice so I don’t know. This problem is on the Dragonfly boulder, starts on two obvious jugs below the slightly overhanging face.”

Josh Muller on Egyptian Rock Mover V11.  Photo Krystal Chin
Josh Muller on the top of Egyptian Rock Mover V11. Photo Krystal Chin

He sent The Miracle a few days earlier, which was one of the area’s only V10s. ” I flashed it so its hard to get an idea of difficulty. V10 was suggested by the others trying it,” wrote Muller.

“Right most crimpy problem on the steep side of Jigsaw Boulder.”

– Josh Muller is one of Canada’s strongest climbers. Follow him on on Sendage here and Instagram @joshmuller.

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