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Kidnapped French Climber Beheaded in Algeria

Herve Gourdel, a French climber and mountain guide, is the latest westerner executed by a militant Islamic group

The group known as Jund al-Khilafa killed 55-year-old Herve Gourdel after a deadline for France to halt air strikes on IS in Iraq ended. French president Francois Hollande condemned the killing as a “cruel and cowardly” act. He added that air strikes would continue in Iraq.

Hollande said that Gourdel’s abduction and decapitation was a barbaric act of terrorism.

Jund al-Khilafa posted a video of Gourdel being killed, which was entitled “Message of blood for the French government.”

Gourdel was a mountain guide from the French Alps and was rock climbing east of Algeria’s capital, Algiers, when he was kidnapped on Sept. 22. Groudel was a tourist in an area popular with French holiday-makers, which has added to the sense of shock.

A Facebook page was started for Herve Gourdel. Our condolences go out to Gourdel’s friends and family.

Herve Gourdel Photo Facebook
Herve Gourdel Photo Facebook
Herve Gourdel Photo BBC
Herve Gourdel Photo Facebook


-Gripped editor Brandon Pullan will update the story as more details are available.

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