Laura Rogora Sends 5.15b in Spain
She's the second woman to send the grade

Laura Rogora, 19, has climbed her first 5.15b with Ali Hulk Sit Start Extension in Rodellar, Spain. The 15-move sit start finishes on top of the 5.15a extension added to the original by Jon Flor.
Rogora is the second woman to send 5.15b with the first being Angy Eiter in 2017. Rogora, who qualified for the Olympics, sent her first 5.14d at 14 and is considered one of the best climbers in the world for her age. She’s climbed over a dozen routes 5.14+ to 5.15b.
Rogora’s Send List
2014 Ciccio Formaggio 5.14c, Grotta dell’Aerenauta Sperlonga, repeat at 13 years old
2015 Il Corvo 5.14c, Ferentillo, repeat
2016 Grandi Gesti 5.14d, Sperlonga, repeat
2016 Wallstreet 5.14c, Frankenjura, Germany, repeat
2016 Tomorrowland extension 5.14c/d, Cueva di Collepardo, first ascent
2016 Supercrack 5.14b/5.14c, Cueva di Collepardo, first ascent
2017 Joe Blau 5.14c+, Oliana, Spain, repeat
2017 La Gasparata 5.14c/d, Cueva di Collepardo, first ascent
2017 Joe-cita 5.14d, Oliana, repeat
2017 Ercole 5.14c/d, Cueva di Collepardo, first ascent
2017 It segid narg 5.14c/d, Grotta dell’Arenauta Sperlonga, first ascent
2018 Sitting Bull 5.14c/d, Cueva di Collepardo, first ascent
2019 Esclatamasters 5.14d, Perles, Spain, repeat
2019 Rèveille-toi 5.14d, Cueva di Collepardo, first ascent
2019 Pal Norte 5.14c/d, Margalef, repeat
2020 La Bongada 5.14d, Margalef, repeat
2020 L-mens 5.14a, Montsant, onsight
2020 Corvo Morto 5.14c/d Ferentillo, first ascent
2020 Riflessi and Terra Piatta 5.14c, Monte Colt, both second go
2020 Pure Dreaming 5.14d, Massone, Arco, 9 attempts
2020 Pure Dreaming Plus 5.15a, Massone, Arco
2020 Ali Hulk Sit Start Extension 5.15, Rodellar, Spain