Leclerc and Haley Climb New Cerro Torre North Face Route

Marc-Andre Leclerc is quickly becoming one of Canada’s top alpinists. He’s been spending his 2014/15 winter in Patagonia. Colin Haley has long been one of the world’s best alpine climbers. They have established a new route on Cerro Torre’s north face.
Leclerc has gained a reputation for bold solos and repeated hard alpine climbs. On Feb. 5, 2015, Leclerc updated his Facebook page with: “New line, direct north face of the Torre. Not many words needed other than rad adventure. Meanwhile Brette Harrington blasted the North Pillar of Fitz Roy, up and down in a day. We like it here.”
Shortly after, Haley wrote on his Facebook page: “On Feb. 2 and 3, we made the second-and-a-half (it depends on how you count the Torres Traverse) ascent of El Arca de los Vientos, with a fantastic new variation directly up from the Col de la Mentira, which we are naming Directa de la Mentira.”
We will update the story as more details become available.

Read about the south to north traverse