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Mayo Sends Summer Dry-Tool Line

Will Mayo has pieced together the long reaches of this new dry-tool problem in the Ghetto via headlamp. The Existensionalist looks like a like a great way to train for the upcoming mixed/ice season.

The route climbs 30 metres along a roof in an abandoned mine near Colorado Springs. Mayo said the route is just a means to train for the upcoming World Cup in December at the Bozeman Ice Festival.

In Canada, World Cup climber Gord McArthur has been working on establishing his own hard lines. The secret projects are some of the longest dry tool routes in Canada. Below is a photo of John Freeman working on rigging one of the mega routes. McArthur is also training hard for the Boaeman Ice Festival.

John Freeman working on a Canadian mega mixed route  Photo Gord McArthur
John Freeman working on a Canadian mega mixed route Photo Gord McArthur
Will Mayo on The Existensionalist  Photo Ryan Vachon  (source: Climbing)
Will Mayo on The Existensionalist Photo Ryan Vachon (source: Climbing)

Source: Climbing, Gord McArthur

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