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New B.C. Whitewater Rocks Guidebook is Online

Mountain Culture Group’s online editor Vince Hempsall touched base about his recent trip up to Whitewater Rocks. The area is above the Ymir Bowl at Whitewater Resort in Nelson, B.C. For the past six years, ACMG guide David Lussier has been developing the rock climbing there and the result is a number of nice multi-pitch routes from 5.7 to 5.10a. The area is only an hour’s drive from Nelson and while the rock is not as nice as the Valhallas, the climbing is fun and adventurous.

All pitches are 30 metres or less and have bolted rap anchors and the views are reported to be amazing. Lussier told Hempsall that the names of the routes were inspired by the well-known cookbooks by Shelly Addams called Whitewater Cookbooks. To climb all six routes and to scramble Half Dome and Ymir Peak is called The Full Meal Deal. Visit here for approach info, topos and more.

Whitewater Rocks by David Lussier
Whitewater Rocks by David Lussier

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