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New Routes on Baffin Island by Strong Team

Nico Favresse has sent an update about new routes that have been climbed on Baffin Island in northern Canada. The Island has some of the world’s biggest granite monoliths and while climbers have been visiting the area for over 50 years, there remains many unclimbed walls. Favresse reported to Ragni di Lecco who relayed the message along that they have been based at the Walker Arm for about a week. The weather has been spring-line and the ice is starting to melt.

The snow is giving way to alpine flowers in bright meadows. Their camp looks across at the big Walker Citadel formation. “We racked up for a long journey, picked a line and just went for it,” Favresse said. “The climbing was particularly committing with little protection at times and lose rock, but overall great fun.”

Once the teams were on the rock, the weather switched back to snow with strong winds. After 24 hours, they were on top of their first climb of the expedition. They descended down a long snow couloir back to camp, sliding on their bums. New route team one was Matteo De Zaiacomo and Matteo Della Bordella. New route team two  was Nicolas Favresse, Luca Schiera and Sean Villanueva. Details of the routes will be released after the trip. For now, they are travelling 15 km into the Stewart Valley to climb big walls and play music.

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