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Quebec Sender Emilie Pellerin Sends Her First 5.14a

Emilie Pellerin of Quebec sent Tom et je Ris 5.14a in Fance a few days ago, becoming the sixth Canadian woman to climb 5.14. A few days after her send, Amanda Berezowski became the seventh with a send of Dinosaur Highway 5.14 on Vancouver Island. “Super excited, just sent it!” Pellerin wrote on Instagram about her Tom et je Ris send.

“The left tufa was already a little wet and i got the feeling it was last call for this year before it gets completely wet. Thanks to Ju and to Max who came over from St-Leger to give me a catch on this amazing line! That’s awesome!”

A photo posted by Emilie Pellerin (@emclimber) on

While in the Verdon, Pellerin also sent Papy ké Devers, a four-pitch 5.13b. “To make it even harder,” Pellerin wrote, “we somehow managed to top out the wrong route and onsight, or nonsight in the dark, a 5.12+ pitch on blue-grey dirty Verdon limestone!” The first Canadian woman to send 5.14 was Ellen Powick on Pipedream at Maple Canyon, then Josie Hetyie from Vancouver, then Vikki Weldon sent Eulogy at Maple, Leslie Timms sent Magnum Opus in Lime Kiln Canyon and Marieta Akalski sent Geminis at Rodellar in Spain. Watch a short film below featuring Pellerin.

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