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How to Rig a Canadian Flag on a Mountain

Ha Ling above Canmore provides an easy-access summit and a large, low angled upper wall. While it provides excellent climbing, on Canada Day, it doubles as a place to hang our mighty flag. If you’re looking for a way to celebrate Canada all summer, join the Tragically Hip on their final tour, for info on where to climb on the cross-country trip see here.

A few years ago, Tim Banfield joined some friends on a mission to hang a flag on Canada Day off Ha Ling with his camera. The following photos show how to rig a Canadian flag on a mountain. Follow Banfield on Instagram here.

Early morning packing of the Canada flag.
Early morning packing of the Canada flag.
Canada Flag on Ha Ling-5
Unrolling and preparing the flag to hang off the summit of Ha Ling.
Canada Flag on Ha Ling-25
Spreading the flag out for all in the Bow Valley to see.
Hanging out and fixing the corners.
Hanging out and fixing the corners.
Fixing and aligning the flag.
Fixing and aligning the flag.
Enjoying a job well done and singing O Canada.
Enjoying a job well done and singing O Canada.

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