Street to Peaks Program
Jim Elzinga and Sharon Wood once climbed Mt. Everest together, now they are offering a climbing experience like no other
What is iHuman?
iHuman Youth Society is a non-profit organization that engages Edmonton’s traumatized youth who exhibit high-risk lifestyles – to foster positive personal development and social change. Founded in 1997, we develop and implement arts-based programming that functions as a positive engagement tool. We seek to re-integrate youth into the community by developing skills, self-esteem and a sense of worth and ability through mentorship, crisis intervention and targeted programming. iHuman serves 500 youth in Edmonton aged 12-24 years. Aboriginal youth make up a significant portion of our clients, but we serve youth from every demographic and socio-economic group.
Streets to Peaks Media Release From iHuman:
We are extremely happy to announce a partnership between iHuman, Jim Elzinga and Sharon Wood, two of Canada’s most famous mountaineers. The Program is aptly tagged as ‘Streets to Peaks.’ ‘Streets to Peaks’ is a high-octane experience, a deeply rewarding and tangible achievement. Jim and Sharon will mentor iHuman youth on hiking and basic climbing techniques-challenging the kids to reach for their summit goal. For many climbing a mountain is both a new physical and spiritual experience. iHuman kids are the lost children, many are homeless with multiple challenges to face. Most have never dared to dream; their lives are burdened with simple issues – where to eat, to sleep, to stay safe. iHuman helps gets the youth into a safe caring environment and then into creative programs that help them discover themselves and a life path forward – one step at a time. Last year Streets to Peaks was launched with a successful climb. It was a rich and powerful experience for both the youth and volunteer mentors. The beauty and physicality of the environment, and the thrill of success cannot be underestimated. The youth carry the image and rite of passage of the climb as a talisman for their future endeavors. Having Jim and Sharon share their wisdom, experience and friendship is tremendous.
Streets to Peaks will be in the Rockies this weekend. First a horseback ride and a few days later a climb up Mount Fairview.