Ueli Steck and the 82 Summits, Part One

For a decade, Ueli Steck has been setting international standards for fast and light climbing.
In 2015, Steck climbed all 82 summits of 4,000 metres or higher in the Alps in only 62Â days using only his own power from start to finsih. That means no driving between objectives. This is the first of a four-part series.
The record for the 82 summits still belongs to Italian alpinists Diego Giovannini and Franco Nicolini. The pair climbed all 82 peaks in just 60 days in 2008 using only muscle power for transportation.
In 2006, Slovenian Miha Valic climbed them in 102 days in full winter conditions using a van to move around.
In 1993, Martin Moran and Simon Jenkins comleted 74 peaks in only 52 day before the list of 82 summits was produced by the UIAA. Â See here for more.