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Yosemite’s Unemployment Line Freed

The Unemployment Line on Mount Broderick in Yosemite was first climbed 1982 by Alan Bartlett, Jim May and Stever Gerberding.

Shaun Reed and Scott Nelson made the first free ascent of the route on April 24, Cedar Wright and James Lucas made the second free ascent a week later.

Colorado-based Shaun Reed wrote on social media, “Many thanks to Cedar Wright and The North Face for supporting Scott Nelson nd me on our FFA of Unemployment Line in Yosemite yesterday. the odds seemed stacked against us, but we did it.”

The Unemployment Line freed has three 5.12 pitches, two 5.11 pitches, two 5.10 pitches and a pitch of 5.6.

Scott Nelson and Shaun Reed on the top of Unemployment Line
Scott Nelson and Shaun Reed on the top of Unemployment Line
Nevada Falls, Liberty Cap, Mt. Broderick, and Half Dome Photo First Light
Nevada Falls, Liberty Cap, Mt. Broderick, and Half Dome Photo First Light


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