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Watch 10-Year-Old Oriane Bertone as She Cruises a V11

Oriane Bertone is from Les Avirons, France and was born on March 10, 2005 and she’s only been climbing for two years.

Oriane recently sent Spartiate Sit in  Ravine de Trou, France and has spent much of her short climbing career in Rocklands, South Africa where she sent her fist V11: The Hatchling.

Oriane is not alone in her family of climbers as her twin sister Margot climbs hard as does their younger brother Max and father Stefano.

The Bertone family heads off to the bouldering field.  Photo Stefano
The Bertone family heads off to the bouldering field. Photo Stefano

Oriane has recently sent Lobsang Rampa V10, Effet de Serres Sit V8+ and Eme Element V7. Margot has recently sent Humor Has It V7 and Black Skeak V5 and younger brother Max, 7, recently ticked The Earth Angle V8 and Green jobs V8.

Watch Oriane send Spartiate Sit:

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