Watch Ashima Shiriashi Send Open Your Mind Direct

During her spring break, 13-year-old Ashima Shiraishi flew from her home in New York City to climb in Catalunya’s famous Santa Linya Cave.
At 11 years old, Shiraishi became the youngest 5.14b and 5.14c climber. Adam Ondra was the first 13-year-old to send 5.14d.
While on her recent trip, Shiriashi managed to climb harder than perhaps any woman ever before. In this video, shot and edited by Parker Alec Cross, we see the first of her two record-setting sends: Open Your Mind Direct 5.14d/15a.
In 2005, Josune Bereziartu made the second ascent of Bimbaluna 9a/9a+ (5.14d/15a). If indeed Open Your Mind Direct is 5.15a then Shiraishi is the first woman to send a solid 5.15a, not bad for 13 years old.
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