10 Awesome Grand Wall Boulder Problems, V3 and Under
These Squamish problems aren't included in Marc Bourdon's famous "Top 100" list, but they're some of the best of the grade in the area
Squamish is full of great boulder problems at all grades. If you’re looking for some fun lines from V0 to V3, the Grand Wall Boulders are a great place to start. You’ll find lots of high-quality problems in this grade range – slabs, lip traverses, technical aretes, compression squeezes, and burly overhangs.
While Marc Bourdon’s “Top 100” undoubtedly contains many of Squamish’s best problems, the 10 problems in the list below come highly recommended. The list includes a wide variety of problem styles, heights, and locations throughout the Grand Wall forest.
28th Place V0
You’ll find this relatively obscure problem up past the famous Slingshot V2 in the Survivor area. It features some thoughtful moves to surmount a big, steep roof.
Superfly Slab V0
This slabby highball requires some courage, especially if you don’t have much experience on Squamish slabs. It’s all there though. The climber in the video below climbs it backwards!
White Bread V1
You’ll find this fun problem deep into the Viper area. It requires technical movement up a slabby arete to a unique hold in the middle of the face.
Any Rock’ll Do V1
This lowball in the Easy Chair area is a perfect introduction to Squamish lip traverses. It’s great for practicing heel hooks and movement across slopey jugs.
Tumbleweed V2
This short, burly problem is a great initiation to Squamish compression on slopers. You’ll find it in behind the famous Titanic V3.
Cheese Grater V2
This Black Dyke problem is highly technical for its modest grade of V2. You’ll need lots of balance to work your way up the shallow dihedral feature.
Largonian Bulge V2
You’ll find this problem in the Easy Chair area across from the Dyke Surfer boulder. It’s surprisingly steep for the grade. It’s better than it looks!
Anatomy Lesson V3
This Viper area classic has great moves from beginning to end. It requires solid sloper strength and good body positioning skills.
Bo Jo Jones V3
This lip traverse is one of the best V3’s in Squamish. It’s very juggy but it still packs a pump. You’ll find it in the Black Dyke area. Don’t grab the tree while topping out!
WWF Action V3
This problem up in the Lip-Smack area starts seated and packs in a few punchy moves before the topout. It has a very cool pinch feature down low.
First Ascensionist Information
- 28th Place V0 – Brian Goldstone (2000)
- Superfly Slab V0 – Jack Fieldhouse (2001)
- White Bread V1 – Mike Orr (1999)
- Any Rock’ll Do V1 – Bill Thomson & Sam Johnson (1998)
- Tumbleweed V2 – Tyrone Brett (1997)
- Cheese Grater V2 – Stu Worrall (1997)
- Largonian Bulge V2 – Nick Gibbs (1996)
- Anatomy Lesson V3 – Chris Hecimovic (1997)
- Bo Jo Jones V3 – Patrick Nosil (1996)
- WWF Action V3 – Nick Gibbs (1996)
FA info from Squamish Bouldering 4th Edition by Mark Bourdon.