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Adam Ondra Has Climbed 24 Routes From 5.15b to 5.15d, Seven for Alex Megos

He's climbed three 5.15b sport routes in the past month, showing the world that he's shaken off the Olympics and is focusing on hard climbing

Adam Ondra is the most successful climber ever when it comes to climbing hard sport routes. He’s climbed 24 bolted lines from 5.15b to 5.15d.

Over the past few weeks, he added three routes to that list. The first was Erebor, Stefano Ghisolfi’s 5.15b/c masterpiece that was repeated by Laura Rogora earlier this year. Ondra downgraded it to a pure 5.15b.

The direct and harder version, which was the original line bolted by Ghisolfi, is called The Lonely Mountain. Ghisolfi made the first ascent a few weeks ago, shortly before Ondra repeated it and said, “A little harder than Erebor, actually the first part is shorter, but involves one really hard crux. Hard to grade, but probably doesn’t brake the 9b+ barrier.”

Ondra’s most recent 5.15b was the first ascent of Taurus in the Czech Republic, which you can read about here. No other climber has even climbed a dozen routes 5.15b or harder, let alone two dozen. The closest is Alex Megos who has climbed seven 5.15b or harder. For Ondra’s comments on his 5.15s, visit 8a.nu.

Adam Ondra’s 24 Hardest Climbs

Silence 5.15d
Vasil Vasil 5.15c
La Dura Dura 5.15c
Change 5.15c
The Lonely Mountain 5.15b
Taurus 5.15b
Erebor 5.15b
Neanderthal 5.15b
Disbelief 5.15b ?
Eagle-4 5.15b
One Slap 5.15b
Move Hard 5.15b
Queen Line 5.15b
Mamichula 5.15b
Robin Ud 5.15b
Stoking the Fire 5.15b
C.R.S. 5.15b
First Round, First Minute 5.15b
Move 5.15b
Iron Curtain 5.15b
Fight or Flight 5.15b
La Planta de Shiva 5.15b
Chaxi Raxi 5.15b
Golpe de Estado 5.15b

Change 5.15c FA

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