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IFSC Names Climbers Against Cancer as its Official Charity

Lancashire, England – Climbers Against Cancer (CAC) is pleased to announce that the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) has named CAC as its Official Charity.

The move was announced March 27, 2014 by the IFSC Executive Board and IFSC Secretary General DebbieGawrych, who in an official letter to CAC Founder John Ellison noted that, “they were very pleased to support CAC and its positive and worthy cause.” 

Ellison was thrilled at the designation, “I want to thank the IFSC for this designation and the recognition it brings. This is the start of a very constructive relationship that will see the IFSC help promote a sense of community amongst all types of climbers around the world, while helping to raise money for cancer research.”

Ellison, an avid climber from Great Britain, was diagnosed with terminal cancer in late 2011. Choosing to be as optimistic as possible with the outcome, Ellison founded CAC in January of 2013 in order to bring together the incredible support and camaraderie of the climbing community to assist in raising both awareness of the disease and funds for cancer research.

The results have been unprecedented.

In just over a year, CAC has raised close to $350,000 (USD) through its fundraising efforts, including the sale of iconic CAC T-shirts and hoodies (over 13,000 to date) that are being worn by climbers all across the world. On an international scale, climbers of all abilities have talked about the cause on their blogs and shared their passion to help others through both word of mouth and via their websites. Competitions and fundraising events in support of CAC have taken place at many venues on many continents, with the backing of the local authorities and in many cases, national federations.

To date, CAC has made donations to the world’s best cancer research organisations on three continents: in France, in Australia, in Canada and they have just made the first of many planned donations for 2014 to cancer research facilities worldwide at The Climbing Works International Festival (CWIF) in Sheffield, UK. Plans are also currently being put in place for the next round of donations in Vail USA, Munich Germany, Inzai, Japan and South Africa.

With the announcement, CAC becomes the first charitable organization that the IFSC has supported in this manner and the move will be a positive one on all accounts.  The announcement also comes on the heels of Ellison being appointed as an Honorary Member of the (IFSC) during the IFSC Plenary Assembly held March 1, 2014 in Paris, France, another acknowledgement of the important work that Ellison and his colleagues at CAC, and the climbing community, are doing in raising funds for cancer research around the world.

About Climbers Against Cancer (CAC)

Established in January of 2013, Climbers Against Cancer was established by Great Britain’s John Ellison in order to raise awareness about the disease and to raise funds for cancer research. Primarily through the immense support of the climbing community and the sale of iconic CAC t-shirts and hoodies, the organisation has raised close to $350,000 and has made donations to leading cancer research organisations in France, Australia and Canada. Learn more, donate or purchase a t-shirt or hoodie on their website.


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