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Maarten van Haeren’s Ice Climbing Photos from Quebec

Maarten van Haeren is based in the Rockies, where he has made a number of big first ascents over the past two years, but is currently making his second ice tour through Quebec. Last year, he visited the Nipissis area with a group of strong climbers and climbed a handful of first ascents. This year, he is touring the classic areas and repeating some off-piste mixed lines. A handful of photos from his Quebec climbs below.

Steep sea side pillars 10 minute from the road, doesn't get much better!!

A photo posted by Maarten van Haeren (@mvanhaeren) on

The steep granite slabs of Quebec form unrelenting icefalls, without a single ledge for hundreds of meters. On the route Ectoplasme (III 140m WI5+), @charlesroberge found us the most comfortable "ledge" on the whole route, a slightly less steep bit of ice underneath some daggers. Meanwhile, @jasfauteux engages the crux of our final new line in Nipissis, Quebec. For @pete_takeda's #northernsoul film premier, I'll be sharing some of my favourite shots from our Nipissis trip here on Instagram this week. We're currently planning the trip for February 2017! Check out a short article I wrote for the American Alpine Journal about the trip (link in bio). @americanalpine @rab.equipment @rab.equipment_canada @alpinistmag #aacgram #winvicisony @vicivisuals

A photo posted by Maarten van Haeren (@mvanhaeren) on

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