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Mount Bryce Wing BASE Jump Biggest in Canada

If 2017 wasn’t full of enough climbing and mountain action, two BASE jumpers just flew from the top of Mount Bryce in the Canadian Rockies for the biggest jump in Canada.

Mount Bryce in the Canadian Rockies

Trent Conroy wrote after his flight about the below video, “Here’s a new one I opened with Aurelien in Canada. Epic in every sense.

“One hundred kilometres of approach on a logging road. Then a solid four-hour hike from the car, across a river, and up steep scree, to the glacier where we slept overnight.

“Super early start to beat the melting snow, three hours up a steep snow slope to the summit, then a couple more hours to get down to the exit and geared up.

“Nice flight, although the last 1,000 metres is a skydive. Next time I’d head right after the glacier to stay with the terrain, landing on another logging road.

“This one has 2,500 metres total flyable altitude, making it the biggest jump in Canada, and all of North America I believe. Super special thanks to Tash and Val for hiking down with the tents and our sleeping bags.”

You can watch the video of the jump here.

Mount Bryce is a famous Canadian peak and the 15th highest in B.C. The first ascent was in 1902 by James Outram and Christian Kaufmann.

The most sought after alpine route on the peak is the North Face, which was first climbed in 1972 by Eckhard Grassman and J.P. Jones.

In 2012, Chris Brazeau skied the first descent of the North Face in a day solo up and down. “The worst part was skiing way down to the bottom of the tongue and realizing that I had to boot back out of there,” Brazeau told Biglines.com after.

“It’s really exposed once you’re at the bottom and you have to spend a bunch of time under heavy exposure. Normally when you ski a big line, when you’re done it, you can relax but on this one, the most intense part was getting out of there.”

Looking up the North Face. Photo Chris Brazeau

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