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Rule #1: Don’t Ever Fall Off an Ice Climb

"There is pride in managing a situation well, regret in falling off," says ice pro Will Gadd

The golden rule in ice climbing is don’t fall, but over the past decade, more and more ice climbers have been falling. Last week, an ice climber took a huge fall off Back of the Lake in Alberta – watch the clip below that starts with a fall off the same route last year.

Why should you not fall while ice climbing? Unlike rock climbing, you have metal points strapped to your feet, in your hands and on your harness. Also you’ll be falling onto an ice screw, which have been known to pull out. New ice climbers need to have the mindset that they should never fall off an ice climb. Here are some ice climbing tips to help you stay on the ice.

Sink Your Picks: Sink the picks of your ice tools to ensure they won’t pop out unexpectedly. “Get good sticks with your tools,” said top Canadian ice climber Will Gadd. “Don’t peck like a chicken, swing like a you mean it until the placement is good. This may mean excavating the surface ice for somewhere between one and 20 centimetres. Know that a pick placement that is good for a direct downward pull may not be good for an outward pull. Never put an outward pull on your tools, this could pull them out. Some more experienced ice climbers can get away with getting a minimal amount of pick in the ice, but if you’re new than be sure to sink you picks, test them and move upward.”

Ice Screws: Before placing an ice screw, find a comfortable stance with your feet in a wide and stable position so you can get enough balance to power-in a piece of protection. Be sure the screws that you’re using are sharp and the caps are off before starting up the climb. To help keep your picks sunk and safe, place ice screws low and next to your waist. Reaching too high can put and outward pull on your tools. If your tool-hand is getting tired or pumped, take a break from placing the ice screw to swap your hands to shake the pump. Placing ice screws on lead shouldn’t be taken lightly, so practice on top-rope first.

Low Angle Ice: “There’s no ‘easy’ ice climbing terrain,” said Gadd. “If you’re on steep or low-angled ice your fall hazard is close to the same. We all respect steeper terrain, but lower angle ice terrain often lulls us into, the, ‘It’s not that steep’ mentality, but if you fall on lower-angle ice you will slide at ever-increasing speed until you hit something.” There are more than a few ice climbers out there with fused ankles because of falls on low angle ice. Even if you’re comfortable on low angle terrain, sink a few ice screws to be sure that if you do fall off, that you won’t go too far.

Downclimb Before a Fall: Just like in rock climbing, downclimb before you fall. If you’re getting pumped, climb down to a rest or the base. “The reward must balance the risk, and if you’re already pumped you won’t be able to hang on if your feet blow,” said Gadd. “There is pride in managing a situation well, regret in falling off.”

Climb Slow and Controlled: Place both of your feet and place both of your tools. Hopping around can result in a fall. The top climbers started by moving slow and over years of climbing learned how to move quickly. You’re not a top climber, so climb slow. “When I see someone moving without well set feet or tools it scares the crap out of me,” said Gadd. “Mainly because the dumbass likely doesn’t know how much danger they are in.” Be safe this ice climbing season, make smart decisions and see why you should carry an avalanche beacon on some big ice climbs here.

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