Seven Awesome V7s in Squamish

There are so many great V7s in Squamish. The most recent guidebook has 13 of them listed among the “Squamish Top 100 Problems.” The short list below includes four of the Top 100 and three 4-star V7s. If you’re planning a visit to this bouldering mecca and you have your eye on this grade, read the descriptions below. You can’t not get psyched.
1. The Fuzz
This boulder sits on the other side of the creek, off the gravel trail that leads out of the Chief campground. Aside from the gorgeous setting, this Top 100 problem is equal parts hard and fun, and easy to work as the business is right off the ground. Beta-intensive opening moves that require good core strength lead to either a dead-point or lock-off move to the top. Good Times.

2. Squealing Pork
Squealing Pork is in the North Walls at the Farm area. It is a stunning vertical face, with technical moves that require good finger strength, good skin, and a good head. It’s a tall boulder but the landing is flat so with enough pads you can safely fall even from the last tricky move, which people do…
3. Golden Boy
Established in 1997, this problem is a mega classic V7 in the Grand Wall Boulders, easily accessible from the trail. Folks love the small, positive edges on the short, overhanging wall. The problem traverses left and finishes on a small shelf over the lip on slopers. The exit adds a bit of spice when you’re pumped so make sure you’ve scoped it out before you get there.
4. Astroman
Up the hill of The Dark Side area in the North Wall Boulders, lies this boulder with a steep face, some decent-enough edges leading to an open-handed ledge. If you like big moves and body-tension, this problem is for you. You might want extra pads and spotters because the landing isn’t awesome.
5. The Airtight Garage
This short, vertical, techy problem in the Grand Wall Boulders is notorious for shutting down solid V7 climbers. It is short but sweet, fun but also weird, oddly technical and powerful at the same time. Once you get it, it feels simple, but in the meantime, prepare to be humbled. It’s short with a flat landing so you can work it alone.
6. Undertow
Another Grand Wall Boulders gem. The description of this problem screams Squamish classic: starts on a good edge in an overhang, big reach to slopers and mantle top-out once you have a good edge. Wait for good, crisp conditions.
7. Ramen Raw
A short walk up hill from The Apron parking lot, this problem has won the hearts of many climbers since it was established in 2003 and continues to gain popularity. The boulder features a rightward sloping rail that you move along with a left heel hook, in classic Squamish style. The opening moves can feel impossible but when you stick them, it feels awesome and the holds get better as you move right. The next crux is reaching back to the lip that’s now behind your head. If you get this without cutting your feet, the exit moves aren’t super hard. This problem is seriously amazing.