Shawn Raboutou Establishes New V16 – Keeps Secret For Months
Shawn Raboutou has made the first ascent of an old Dave Graham project in Fionnay, Switzerland. He shows incredible style
Earlier this year, American boulderer Shawn Raboutou spent the better part of his winter season in Switzerland. Unlike many modern rock climbers, Raboutou remained secretive about his trip’s ascents, posting only humorous vacation photos in one of the world’s most beautiful locations.
This afternoon, Raboutou posted to his social Instagram a photo and a caption.
Last summer, I climbed an old @dave_graham_ project in Fionnay, Switzerland. This dude climbs like he’s from 2030 .. ahead of his time. Thanks DG for always inspiring!
Fuck the System (V16/8C+)
Fuck the System is a low start to the notorious Dave Graham first ascent: Foundation’s Edge V15. The problem represents one of at least three mega projects Raboutou has taken down and refrained from posting.
This information can be gleaned from Felipe Carmago’s comment on the post.
Dude you should’ve posted this months ago… there’s two more that you need to post… hurry up!
It is unclear whether Raboutou’s other unposted ascents are first ascents or, instead, repeats of other challenging Swiss Blocs.
While the world awaits the release of these ascents, yesterday, Raboutou was shown to have done something on Chad Greedy’s Instagram story. It is unclear whether this is another secretive ascent or if, instead, he made a link on the increasingly famous project posted in the story.
Raboutou must be credited with his incredible show of style from this last month. Instead of spray as has become popular in professional climbing, Raboutou sat on this great success for months. It is unclear what changed his mind about positing the difficult boulder problem, however, Raboutou’s secretiveness is of an older style historically found commendable.
Spraying is a complicated problem in North American rock climbing as it is considered a form of bragging. However, strong athletes are dependent on difficult ascents to make their income. As such, the waters have become muddied on ethics versus income.
Style, and spraying more specifically, exists as another conversation. In a few words, Raboutou has made a statement and has consequently added to the ethical debate surrounding bouldering.
For now, suffice it to say the Raboutou has shown incredible style.