The Suffer Bivy Is Real, Climbers Be Prepared
It's also known as "getting benighted" and the "unplanned night out"

On big climbs, it’s common for climbers to get overtaken by darkness and to unexpectedly get stuck on the climb overnight. This is called a “suffer bivy” or “getting benighted.” Don’t be afraid to hunker down for the night, it’s often safer than trying to bail or rush to the top. Travelling in the dark can lead to getting into more hazardous terrain or a more exposed position.
If you’re on a rock or alpine climb and you decide to spend the night, you want to make sure that you have a few essentials. For those planning on trying a big climb this summer, here are some other things to keep in mind.
Be prepared: Bring extra food, water and a warm layer; even on long summer rock routes. Bring a small headlamp and emergency blanket, they’ll help you get through the night.
Devices: Research if your route has phone reception. If not, then consider bringing a communication device like the SPOT or inReach. After letting people know that you won’t be home, power down your devices or put them in air plane mode to save the batteries.
Let others know: Leave a note or tell someone what you’re planning to do. This includes details about the route location, who’s going, what vehicle you’re driving, where you’re parking, when you plan to be back and who should be called if you don’t return.
Enjoy the night out: It might be overwhelming to commit to sleeping on the side of a mountain when you didn’t plan to, but it can be an amazing experience. Enjoy the night out under the stars.