Watch 10 Rock Climbing Whips and Bouldering Falls
Your weekly dose of edge-of-your-seat whipper action
You can go your entire rock climbing life without taking a whipper if you’re careful enough, but more times than not you’ll run into a crux where falling is inevitable.
Below are 10 rock climbing whippers that luckily didn’t end too badly. Follow Whipper on Instagram for more big falls. And remember to wear a helmet.
Fall #1
A lucky boulderer gets away with one on a steep landing.
Fall #2
Brittany Goris has a few cams pop but luckily one holds to keep her off the deck.
Fall #3
Joe Scopec takes a whipper on an Ontario project that he ended up sending and calling Home Away From Home 5.14+.
Fall #4
Andi Stall pops off and takes her spotter down with her.
Fall #5
Layton Blankenship takes a whipper on the classic Naked Edge 5.11.
Fall #6
A carabiner gets crossloaded and breaks, sending the climber to the deck.
Fall #7
Matt Gowie guns for it on a desert 5.10 before taking the fall.
Fall #8
James Pearson takes a big ol’ whipper from The Walk of Life in the U.K.
Fall #9
Jon Egil Auestad goes for a ride, which was luckily stopped by a black Alien and good belayer.
Fall #10
Jon Frisby pops off and nearly decks.