Watch The Nose Speed Record Climb Clip

Watch a clip by Tristan Greszko of Brad Gobright and Jim Reynolds making the King Swing on The Nose.
The two strong climbers recently set a new speed record for the route of two hours, nineteen minutes and 44 seconds. They bested the 2012 record by four minutes.
In an interview with, Reynold said, “I think we were four minutes faster because we are both dedicated young climbers with a ton of Yosemite experience.
Nose speed climbing suited each of us well and we put in a lot of time and energy to learn the intricacies of the mountain. El Cap speed climbing in taxing physically and psychologically, but we were patient and determined.”
The Nose Speed
10/2017 – 2:19:44 Brad Gobright and Jim Reynolds
06/2012 – 2:23:46 Hans Florine and Alex Honnold
11/2010 – 2:36:45 Dean Potter and Sean Leary
10/2008 – 2:37:05 Hans Florine and Yuji Hirayama
07/2008 – 2:43:33.Hans Florine and Yuji Hirayama
10/2007 – 2:45:45 Thomas Huber and Alexander Huber
09/2002 – 2:48:55 Hans Florine and Yuji Hirayama
2001 – 3:24:20 Dean Potter and Timmy O’Neill
1992 – 4:22 Hans Florine and Peter Croft
1991 – 4:48 Peter Croft and Dave Schultz
1991 – 6:01 Hans Florine and Andres Puhvel
1990 – 6:40 Peter Croft and Dave Schultz
1990 – 8:11 Hans Florine and Steve Schneider
1986 – 10:05 John Bachar and Peter Croft
1975 – 17:45 Jim Bridwell, John Long, Billy Westbay, first repeat in a day
1960 – 7 days: Royal Robbins, Joe Fitschen, Chuck Pratt e Tom Frost, first repeat
1958 – 47 days: Warren Harding, Wayne Merry e George Whitmore, first ascent
10/2014 – 5:02 Mayan Smith-Gobat and Libby Sauter
09/2013 – 5:39 Mayan Smith-Gobat and Libby Sauter
09/2012 – 7:26 Mayan Smith-Gobat and Chantel Astorga
06/2012 – 10:19 Jes Meiris and Quinn Brett
09/2011 – 10:40 Libby Sauter and Chantel Astorga
2004 – 12:15 Heidi Wirtz and Vera Schulte-Pelkum
The Nose Speed Record :: 2:19:44 from Tristan Greszko on Vimeo.