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Film: Sachi Amma Sends in Horai, Japan

Meta Force Extension is one of the hardest routes in Horai, Japan. Sachi Amma crushed the hardest climbs in the area in a short push.

Meta Force Ext moves through a roof for eight metres on slopers and small edges. Pulling through the lip is quite difficult and where the crux is located.

“At the lip you must lunge from an undercling to a sloper pocket and then swing and take another sloper. This sequence is very bouldery and you need luck to do that move.” Sachi said. “Then you move through the easy face for five metres to a good rest. The final small roof at the top has a beautiful dyno from a small crimp to a jug. It is really far to make this move and I was at full extension on this move.” The final moves are on an easy slab to a walk off with a wonderful view of the Horai.

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