New Quebec Mixed Route at La Montagne du Coq

Pascal Simard and Jean-Mickael Blais have climbed a new 120-metre mixed route at Quebec’s La Montagne du Coq.
Simard and Blais’s new route is called De Bonne Heure Su’l Piton (Early Risers and the Pin) and is a 120-metre M6R.
Simard wrote on Andriy Kolos’s Ontario ice conditions page: This route heads up the steep terrain in the middle of the big crag. The start of the route is below a fixed pin five metres off the ground – it’s been attempted before for sure, but we didn’t see any more signs of passage on the route, nor at the top. It took us three attempts. The third pitch was a battle. It had bad ice and poor gear. It’s the crux, but also the most beautiful. Fantastic actually. a dry tooling roof, escaping left from an iced chimney. Please someone repeat it, it’s not that hard.”