Always Epic – Alex Honnold Free-Soloing a 15-Pitch 5.12+ in New Footage
Eight years ago, Cedar Wright supported Honnold while he was preparing his free-solo of El Sendero Luminoso
In January of 2014, Alex Honnold brought Cedar Wright to Mexico with the promise of getting to climb El Sendero Luminoso, a classic 5.12+ big wall in El Portrero Chico.
“Taking on a support role, I got to climb Sendero several times,” said Wright, “and helped Honnold fix ropes, clean the route so he wouldn’t break a hold and die, and generally support him however he needed to realize this outrageous dream.”
When Honnold was ready to solo the route, Renan Ozturk, who was with Camp Four Collective at the time, came down to shoot a film called El Sendero Luminoso. “While I was supporting Honnold, I recorded the whole process with my point and shoot camera,” said Wright. “Camp 4 ended up using a couple of the shots in their film but when I recently unearthed the large amount of support footage, I realized there is a certain charm to it.”
Wright compiled the footage into a short film and has released it on his YouTube channel, which you can watch below.