Five Trad Climbing Whippers – Check Your Pro!
Some rock climbing whippers for your weekend enjoyment

You can go your entire rock climbing life without taking a whipper if you’re careful enough, but more times than not you’ll run into a crux where falling is inevitable. Below are five trad climbing whippers, be sure to follow Whipper for more.
Whipper #1
When you’re on a traversing crack and you whip back into the corner. Be sure your pieces are bomber.
Whipper #2
A splitter crack where the climber finds big air time and ends up next to the belayer.
Whipper #3
Trad climbs can lead to inverted whippers because the gear is often close to your feet, so be sure to constantly be checking and correcting where the rope runs.
Whipper #4
A well executed whipper where the climber and belayer escaped without injury.
Whipper #5
Top trad climber Carlo Denali projecting Magic Line 5.14 before the send. Watch him climb it here.