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Highlights from David Lama’s Outstanding Climbing Career

Climber Justin Long has put together a compilation of video clips from David Lama’s climbign career. Lama was with Hansjorg Auer and Jess Roskelley on April 16 on Howse Peak in the Canadian Rockies when an avalanche ripped down the face. The three climbers’ deaths were confirmed on April 21 when Parks Canada found them under avalanche debris.

“I always dreamed of climbing with David,” said Long. “I would watch videos of David climbing with Conrad Anker and say, when I’m 28, David will be 42 and I’ll be climbing with him. We must not remember David as a man who died in an avalanche, but instead remember him as the thoughtful, energetic and motivated person he was. Rest in peace David, may your legacy live on.”

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David lebte für die Berge und seine Leidenschaft für das Klettern und Bergsteigen hat uns als Familie geprägt und begleitet. Er folgte stets seinem Weg und lebte seinen Traum. Das nun Geschehene werden wir als Teil davon akzeptieren.⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ Wir bedanken uns für die zahlreichen positiven Worte und Gedanken von nah und fern, und bitten um Verständnis, dass es keine weitere Stellungnahme von uns geben wird. Vielmehr bitten wir David mit seiner Lebensfreude, seiner Tatkräftigkeit und mit Blick Richtung seiner geliebten Berge in Erinnerung zu behalten. ⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ Die Familien von Hansjörg und Jess schließen wir in unsere Gedanken ein⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ Claudia & Rinzi Lama⁣⠀ ____________________________________⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ David dedicated his life to the mountains and his passion for climbing and alpinism shaped and accompanied our family. He always followed his own path and lived his dream. We will accept what now happened as a part of that.⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ We appreciate the numerous positive words and thoughts from near and far. Please understand that there will be no further comments from our side. We ask you to remember David for his zest for life, his enthusiasm and with a view towards his beloved mountains. ⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ Our thoughts are with Hansjörg’s and Jess‘ family⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ Claudia & Rinzi Lama

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David Lama Career Highlights

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