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Mata Hari is a Classic Squamish 5.12d

It's one of the best 5.12s on Pet Wall, along with Flingus Cling 5.12b and Black Water 5.12a

The Petrifying Wall in Murrin Park has some of the best single pitch sport climbs in Squamish, including the classic Mata Hari. The first ascent was back in 1987 by Perry Beckham, and it’s now a must-climb 25-metre 5.12d. It follows a traverse up technical and sustained climbing on thin holds with big reaches. Watch Squamish-based Rebecca Cairney make a send below.

The Petrifying Wall was first climbed back in the 1970s. In 1970, Ken Kraft and John Wurflinger aided Beers are Not Enough, which was later freed by Bruce Kay and Howie Richardson in 1986. While a few routes were added in the early 1980s, nearly 20 were climbed in 1986, including Mr. Fun 5.12a and Pleasant Pheasant 5.11a. One of the hardest routes on the wall is Force Ten 5.13d, opened in 2007 by Scott Milton.

If 5.12d is out of your league, check out these 10 awesome 5.10 sport routes in Squamish.

Mata Hari 5.12d

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